Thursday, December 29, 2011

my 2011 background

Memories (happiness,joyfulness, blissfulness)
Hardships (peoples, temptations, tests)
Feelings ( love, joy, sorrow)

I stood up and walked alone sometimes.
I hide myself and disappear in public.
I learnt a lot through the pain I had.

The peoples I met
The problems I resolved
The pain I endured

Thankful for my family back me up
Thankful for Lord Jesus loving me always
Thankful for sending angels around me
Thankful for those specials who accepted me

Currently, slowly my life filling up with color
because of those specials.
Hey, I love ya... My Hope now here.2012 :)

Monday, December 26, 2011




Monday, December 19, 2011

I am foolish.

do i feel something special inside of you ?
do i know what you really think of me ?

i just can't deny what feels so right.
when it comes to you, whatever i do,
love always play the part of fool.

dare i follow my heart ?
should i just follow my heart ?
i can't say i love you & i can't say i don't.

Thursday, December 15, 2011

A little ME.

I hope can last longer although couldn't last forever.
I hope can goes well although couldn't  go smoothly.
I hope can remember well although couldn't be forgotten.
I hope I hope I hope.

I love can be together although will be separated some day. 
I love can be loved although might be hated by you.
I love can be cared although might be neglected by you.
I love I love I love.

I wish you'll think of me no matter when is it.
I wish you'll be with me no matter where is it.
I wish you will.
I wish I wish I wish.

I like being protected. 
I like being understand.
I like being me in front of you.
I like I like I like.

Here you are, I hope I love I wish and I like.

Just a dream

Had a dream so real compare to previous dreams.
Started to wonder what's the meaning of that dream.
Because of the realness.

Piano, staircase, 2 living rooms, 
bed, wardrobe & a purse .
Although you never appear in the dream.
But your footprint exist.

What we gonna be ?
Will I be yours ? 
No one knows.
It's just a dream.

Monday, December 5, 2011


I do not have the responsible to help you out.
I let you to be used because I take you as friend.
I willing to do so. 
But not too over ! 

If you dislike
shut your mouth and you may just walk off.
Who cares about the dress code ? 
We came is sincere from the heart. 
What's so important about the outlook ?

WE're committee.
WE want the event go smoothly.
I don't have the confident for helping you out anymore. 

Don't spread all the rumours around.
I am who I am, I helped you.
You don't appreciate then that's it.
No second chance for you.

So sorry I am not gonna trust you like last time.
All's about UGLY TRUTH !