Thursday, December 15, 2011

A little ME.

I hope can last longer although couldn't last forever.
I hope can goes well although couldn't  go smoothly.
I hope can remember well although couldn't be forgotten.
I hope I hope I hope.

I love can be together although will be separated some day. 
I love can be loved although might be hated by you.
I love can be cared although might be neglected by you.
I love I love I love.

I wish you'll think of me no matter when is it.
I wish you'll be with me no matter where is it.
I wish you will.
I wish I wish I wish.

I like being protected. 
I like being understand.
I like being me in front of you.
I like I like I like.

Here you are, I hope I love I wish and I like.

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