Saturday, January 28, 2012

Open the eyes of my heart
Make me say out my love
Dare to make me be yours

Let me listen to your heart
Get to know that you love me 
Comply the promises you keep

Doink ! Don't you know I long to be yours !
我喜欢上你了啦 ! >(@@)<

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

You've no RIGHT to take it away !

You never think about the students !
You never know what's the meaning of "student" !
You never understand what student needs !
You never stand for student's right !
Seriously, you have no qualification to be the head of department !

Don't you think you're too over for this changes ??
You taking away our precious student's weekend
You sending us to hospital for theory
You putting us under shift and tagging with staff nurses

We aren't a qualification staff nurse
It's so unfair we've to bear the stress 
that staff nurses have !
It's so unfair we've no weekend
to spend our time at all !
It's so unfair we've to tag with staff nurses
Staff nurses ≠ clinical instructors !!

The difference between a student and a worker is
Other company worker they've their holiday in weekend !
Don't try to use us like a worker 
because YOU never pay us at all !
I am a student of the UNIVERSITY so
I do not agree to have my theory classes @ hospital !

Do not try to make it like last time nursing school did
because now is 21st Century 2012
AND you do not live at your PAST TENSE anymore ! 
Wake up, NOW is NOW
Stop comparing between Old times !

It's nothing to do with HOSPITAL POLICY ! 
POLICY = just rules with words made by HUMAN !
It's nothing to do with EXPERIENCE !
If we learned, we practiced with our enthuthiasm 
and we've skill & knowledge 
I believe that we'll have the EXPERIENCE !

Open up your mind 
Open up your heart

I please not to ruin my nursing life
I please let us back to NORMAL like we did last time
I please to understand us.

Indeed, WEEKEND is belong to students !