Thursday, August 30, 2012

Not a dream, You are.

Lots of words I keep in my heart, always thought you will understand me even I am silent.
Lots of feelings I show in my ways, always thought you will know me very well.
Lots of thoughts I never told you, always thought you will get me even I am quiet.
But, all these just too much of expectations and get to disappointments.
Not to blame one of us but I am just too much.
Should get into your way -> simple and easy that's enough for both loving couple.

CHONG EE LING is a kind of girl needs a lot of secure and protective person.
That's why she always hide in the blanket or keep hugging the bolster.
She likes to being understand and being loved.
That's why hers expectations always involved.
She likes to stay around with loved ones.
Not because of lonely and she doesn't scare of being alone. But she likes to be with you.
She likes to eat delicious yummy food not even care about the price but she cares about do you have the same taste with her.
She likes to being care and care for the loved ones. 
If being rejected, disappointment will come in to her minds.
She likes to think a lot of matters. 
Not because of sensitive but it's about emotional.
She loves you and you should know this.

The answer you wanted to know : If you walk away, if ever you walk away that door... I promise that you will never see me when you return back.
Not that I doesn't want to hold you tight, but you're prepare to leave, aren't you ?? 
You've brushed your teeth, washed your face, changed to a nice outing clothes, comb your hair and at last you packed your little bags. Do not tell me, you aren't prepare. I see you and I feel you. I am crying at that moment, who knows right ? Because I seem hard-hearted. But I always wish you will know me, know what I'm thinking... ...I always thinking about you, me -> US. What we gonna be... I visited your families and I wish they accepted but... I still wish and hope. I do not have confidence, I need you. Can't you see ?

P/s I am not blaming you sweetheart. I just want to let you know I always thinking about you, me and us. I need you to get me all the times, I need lots of protection and you should know. Lastly, YOU should never compare with my ex. I always treat you who you are. I never take you nor compare with the previous one. 117days for ex. We are more than that, aren't we ? All the love being showed, all the feelings being told... seriously, you shouldn't keep it while argument occur. Think back, how sweet we are, how happily we are, how blissful we being through. 

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Hey, I'm so thankful for having you in my life.
No one else loves me like you do
No one else sees me like you do
No one else knows me like you do
You're such a wonderful for me.

I viewed your previous pictures, and I saw you're holding someone's hand *grabbing*
A sudden sour pop up in my heart again. Once again jealousy, Once again disappointment that somebody wasn't me.

Hey, can I be the only one you will grab ?
Can I be your only one ?
Can I not to be alone like "EVA" ?
Be with me.

Sunday, August 5, 2012




Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. 
