Friday, October 12, 2012

哈哈,我真的很想大声骂 WTF !!!
The one should call me but never shown up... but end up is He calling me and asked for a date !
HEY ! I am a girl ! I have feeling ! Why can't treat me softly ? Why never think of I am that type of girl can cry till never stop ? And I can't bear with this feeling till I need to type all out to release it. One whole day, never seen me at all... I feel like wanna just disappear myself and you will not able to see me anymore. I hate this. I hate being neglected, I hate.

Friday, October 5, 2012


Hallelujah ! Lord, once again you touched my heart !
Praise The Lord ! Once again you reminded me !
You're my heavenly Father. You're my king.
I'm forgiven because you were forsaken.
I'm accepted, you were condemned.
The amazing love brought me here to this world.
The amazing love keep me alive and believing.
Because You died and rose again !
I know it's true. Jesus !
It's my joy to honor You.
In all I do, I honor You.