Wednesday, September 4, 2013

The day has come.

3 years. Fast or Slow ? A blink of eyes, here comes to another chapter of my life.
Time flies. It's time for a small little girl to be a strong lady out there to face all circumstances.
CHONG EE LING. Think positively, you still can come back HOME as long as you want.
You know you can do this. For the sake of God, You will be great. HE will always guide and lead you to the best. My objective is to earn money to take over the responsibility from my parents.

I believe, the God of the world is fair. When we got what we wanted, surely God will take away something.
The world is round, no matter how far we are, we will still back to the same point. My career is a registered nurse. CHONG EE LING Believe yourself, you can make a different. :)

Dearest families, wait me to be back with honor. Pain is temporary but the pride is forever. I will be good. You guys, Must always remember to take good care. 

Wednesday, June 12, 2013



Thursday, April 25, 2013



Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Unfairness is happening

A problem comes, as a family should settle it  together.
It's not about blaming, it's not about quarreling, it's not about saying a person fault.
FAMILY carries a lot of meaning, it's more than having the same blood with the same DNA.
Have you done your part? You are protecting your father and mother but did you settle problem?
No, you didn't my dear. You as the eldest in the family, you as a sister, you are very good in obedient to parents and protecting them very well. But did you settle your younger little sister's problem? As you keep pushing one whole mountain of invisible STRESS towards her without you knowing. You said your sister EQ low, don't you the same? Scolding people without looking at yourself ! HEY ! Wake up man ! Stop judging to anyone! Stop hurting! As a eldest brother, another young man caring about the family policy without settling the problem. Have you all find out why your little sister will run away ? You said STRESS is given by ourself ? How sure are you ? What kind of research show about it ? 


A word stress defined as body's reaction to a change that require a physical, mental or emotional adjustment or response. Stress is a situation for you to move on for an adjustment. It's due to pressure and tension by the "stress causing factors". FACTORS can't be ourselves. A human being is not defined as a situation ! So stop saying your lovely sister EQ low ! She is clever, that's why she move on for an adjustment. You guys as a FAMILY MEMBERS seriously disappointed to her. Can't you see, she is stress due to you guys ? She is stress because of you guys didn't settle the problem with her and blaming her. UNFAIR ! Except blood related, there's no meaning of a FAMILY you guys have sacrifice for her. You guys did nothing good.

It's an intense feeling of deep affection. Love is patient, love is kind, it does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no records of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoice with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always preserves. Love never fails. THIS IS LOVE. As family should consist all these. HAVE YOU ALL DONE THESE TO HER ? You guys do not proud of her, keep recording the wrongs, do not rejoice the truth (me), always easily angered and then BLAMING comes back. Please don't simply say LOVE if you're not doing all these. 

A simple moral definition about this is -> A feeling of deep admiration for someone or something elicited by their abilities. Before people respect you, you must respect people. So that others will do the same to you. This is how world goes around comes around with the same culture even though it's 21century now. Before a judgement make, please look at yourself. As a 28 years old girl, send a message without informing who are you and straight goes into a anger with blaming scolding words. In a mature thought, it's a respectful to me? Should I pay you the respect? NO ! Because I don't deserve it at all ! A word FUCK OFF is simply bring a meaning go away ! It's not rude enough,if I wanted to be rude to you,I will rather to choose FUCK YOU IDIOT !


Here is my opinion, I am not a wizard. I don't control people's emotion. She has a mind, she 22 years old working lady, she an adult, she knows what's her thinking. She knows her limit more than you or me. Besides that, if I influence her, this simply means that she agreed my pattern that's why she followed my way. A human being will not follow with a rational behind it. INFLUENCE people is not easy anyway. If it's easy, I could be the next Prime Minister. Mature thinking will think about future and consequence and to work out fully in the mind. This is what we called as mature. We cannot said people are immature just because we don't have the same mindset with you. And we don't judge people are immature just because being rude to you. Mature is a meaning of fully development of physical and the mind can be worked out fully. 

P/s : YOU 28 years old woman, do not knowing the situation straight came to me with fierce and anger judging me being rude and childish, how much you expect me to pay you back? And I sincerely hope you guys will read this message. Love is not a mistake. Try to accept who she is. World is not big, life brief's candle. Short life should goes with quality memories. Please be more consider. Stop hurting people around you, love you and acceptance is the most importance.

Saturday, March 30, 2013

Lover VS Family. Results is LOSER.

You chose to pack your things and went off early in the morning.
But you can't come back for me early in the morning.

You said you need to accompany them for breakfast.
If and only if you remember, you promise me will left at 0700 in the morning.
If still remember, that day I also didn't take any breakfast.

I cried once you closed the door.
I wish you could open the door once again just for me.
But at last, disappointment for me. Hope too much for love?
Am i ? Just a little too over ? 

You said you're tired and fed up.
You wish to die.
I am just so nobody.
Thanks for your information.

A promise is meant to be broken ? 
Listen a promise but don't keep a promise ?
Lastly, heart is alone. Lastly, hurt is with me.

I am just a lover, forever will not be important as your family.


Saturday, February 9, 2013

Fuck reunion

If you have a lover, how much attention you would give to him/her ?
Even they are not around you, would you always keep to text her/him or call them up to catch up ?
Disappointment, anger, sadness, upset, sour, broken.
Multiple emotions came in.
Because I care.

How much do you really care ?
With evidence of an hour reply one message, less than 30minutes called for a day, rejected your call just because parents around.
I cried because I care.
I leave because You don't care, it's show how stupidity am I.

You always said you give me the best, do you really do so ?
The best : not to accept call ? not to talk much in calling ? no time to text me ?
You said you hope I do.
Why always i have to do ?

If you don't care please let me go.
If you no confidence please let me go.
I am no important. That's what I really felt from you.
Heartbroken without heal. And you still keep punching.

Thursday, January 3, 2013

another backstab

An angel lighten him/herself that's why angel can FLY.
There's only devil will do evil things behind GOD.
You as a nurse without a kind, passion heart and talk shit about people, who do you think you are ?
How great you can be as you always compare to people around you since you're not proud to be yourself ?

Faults, wrongs ?
It's nothing to do with you ! Nevertheless, please don't be a slutty bitch and backstabbing around.
Okay, I am wrong of doing this, but please think of it ! CI don't have the right of changing roaster so why at the end they still change and deploy us to other ward ? We're just student, can't just have a rest or holiday ?
Why must be so cruel ? You're not God for judging us and for my side, I got my opinion. Take you as a friend, but do you appreciate ? Thanks to Jesus, I found another bitch ! Let's be stranger :)

As a lover, seeing your partner bullied but what did you do ?
Saying that : You deserved that ! Who asked you to P****** ! 
Hey ! I told you my problem but what do I get ?
</3 You'll not know how i feel... ... You will not know... ... because till now you've not yet know me.